I am a huge movie fan and frequent movie goer. The ever increasing cost of movie tickets at the local theater has not deterred us from checking out the latest films on the Silver Screen. As a matter of fact, I have been working my own list of the Top 100 movies of all time. That project is almost done and will be released in a near future blog. The problem is that I love just too many movies. It is difficult to edit the list down to just the top 100. Anyway, this past Holiday season included several films that we really enjoyed. Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, and The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. While enjoyable films, none of those will ever crack my Top 100, However, one film stood out majestically: War Horse. I love movies with a historical perspective and panoramic cinematography. Some of my most favorite movies are horse movies. And, what's not to like when a movie is directed by Steven Spielberg? This film had it all, and more. When I go to the movie theater, I have only one rule: Don't bore me! I want to escape from the mundane trappings of regular life. I want to be whisked away to some far away place and time. The combination of inspiring music, vivid story telling and beautiful photography does the trick. This film grabs your heart and doesn't let go for 2 plus hours. With the horrors of World War I as the back drop, a horse named Joey touches and changes lives. This movie is a must see! This is the best film I have seen since the reboot of Star Trek in 2009! Whether you are young or old, male or female, whether you like chic flicks or action pics; go see this movie. It takes you on a roller coaster ride of emotion. But, it finishes with what I call a 'Sue Linnemeyer Ending.' You will have to see for yourself what that means. I don't want to give anything away, if you haven't seen the movie, but there is one scene that was epic: It involves two soldiers, one British, one German, coming out of their respective trenches to work together to rescue Joey from a tangle of barbed wire. What a moment, have the Kleenex ready! See you at the movies!
Post Script: It should be no surprise that my number one movie of all time is also a horse movie. What do you think it is????

Black Stallion? ps. You never cease to make me laugh! You are amazing Brother Forsling! Pass my love on to Sister Forsling please! -Millie (the former Sister Mills)