Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Top 100 Movies of All Time

When I was a youngster, I dreamed of becoming an astronaut. As I got a little older I decided that being a Big League Ball Player would be a dream come true. Then, after the glory years of High School came to an end, reality set in: I would need to get a regular job like everyone else. So now, I look at feet all day, which is a pretty good gig. But, I still have dreams. Now, I often fantasize about being a photographer for National Geographic, or for Sports Illustrated on their annual swimsuit shoot. I would love to take T.J. Simers' job as the Page 2 Sports Columnist for the Los Angeles Times. Being a big movie goer, I've always thought I would make a pretty good part-time movie critic. Guess what? Last week, I posted my first review . With the magic of the internet and blogging, I've decided to become an 'official' movie critic. To keep the reel rolling, I have come up with my own list of the Top 100 Movies of all-time. When it comes to movies I only have one rule, "Don't bore me." With that it mind here's the list:

Top 100 Movies of All Time

1.                    The Black Stallion

2.                     Ben Hur

3.                    The Empire Strikes Back

4.                    The Man from Snowy River

5.                    The Great Escape

6.                    The Natural

7.                     Gladiator

8.                     E.T.

9.                     Superman : The Movie

10.                   Return of the Jedi

11.                   Star Wars (A New Hope)

12.                   The Godfather

13.                   The Godfather Part 2

14.                   Field of Dreams

15.                   Rear Window

16.                   Planet of the Apes (1968)

17.                   Heaven Can Wait (1978)

18.                   The Shawshank Redemption

19.                   Gettysburg

20.                   Revenge of the Sith

21.                   The Count of Monte Cristo (2002)

22.                   Raiders of the Lost Ark

23.                   Terminator 2: Judgment Day

24.                   The Fugitive

25.                   Braveheart

26.                   The Outlaw Josey Wales

27.                   The Right Stuff

28.                   Contact

29.                   Out of Africa

30.                   Capricorn 1

31.                   Back to the Future

32.                   Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

33.                   American Graffiti

34.                   Last of the Mohicans

35.                   Cast Away

36.                   Diehard

37.                   Jaws

38.                   Dances with Wolves

39.                   Shooter

40.                   Magnum Force

41.                   The Sting

42.                   Pale Rider

43.                   The Road Warrior

44.                   Saving Private Ryan

45.                   Patton

46.                   Witness

47.                   North by Northwest

48.                   Rocky

49.                   War Horse

50.                   John Carpenter's The Thing

51.                   The Birds

52.                   Star Trek (2009)

53.                   The Bridge on the River Kwai

54.                   The Flight of the Phoenix (1965)

55.                   Alien

56.                   Batman Begins

57.                   Under Siege

58.                   To Catch a Thief

59.                   The Dirty Dozen

60.                   High Plains Drifter

61.                   Back to the Future 3

62.                   The Other Side of Heaven

63.                   My Cousin Vinny

64.                   All the President's Men

65.                   The Ghost and Mr. Chicken

66.                   The Marathon Man

67.                   Silence of the Lambs

68.                   The Passion of the Christ

69.                   Star Man

70.                   Where Eagles Dare

71.                   Bullit

72.                   Tombstone

73.                   Midnight Run

74.                   Forest Gump

75.                   Silverado

76.                   The Bounty

77.                   Play Misty For Me

78.                   The Wizard of Oz

79.                   Con Air

80.                   Clear and Present Danger

81.                   Stripes

82.                   Ocean’s 11

83.                   First Blood

84.                   The Edge

85.                   Independence Day

86.                   Escape from New York

87.                   The Firm

88.                   Footloose (1984)

89.                   Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

90.                   Caddyshack

91.                   Matrix

92.                   Air Force One

93.                   Titanic

94.                   The Electric Horseman

95.                   The Longest Yard (1974)

96.                   Sneakers

97.                   No Way Out

98.                   The Great Waldo Pepper

99.                   The Sound of Music

100.                 Red Rock West

It seems I lean towards science fiction and action movies. What a shock! I’m sure you have noticed many glaring omissions from the list, i.e., you won’t find any Twilight, Harry Potter, or Lord of the Rings movies. Sorry, they just put me to sleep. The only reason The Sound of Music made the list was because my life was threatened by my younger sisters if I left it off. Take that, Karen! Also, you will find no animated features on my list. Until they make a Johnny Quest movie, I am just not interested in cartoons. Many of you may wonder about my #100 movie, Red Rock West? It was a little neo-noir, direct to video film starring Nick Cage as an out work drifter who gets into trouble in Wyoming. Lara Flynn Boyle is the ‘love’ interest and the bad guy is played by Dennis Hopper. Rent it. If you have a twisted sense of humor, you’ll love it! I am sure there are many great flicks that I overlooked. This list is not written in stone. I reserve the right to modify it at anytime.......

There were so many other great movies that just didn't quite make my list. I would be remiss, if I didn’t give them some recognition. Here they are:

The Second 100, and counting.... (In no particular order) 
{This list is growing as per comments that keep coming in}

The Phantom Menace
The Attack of the Clones
The Italian Job (2003)
The Greatest Show on Earth
Back to the Future 2 
3:10 to Yuma
Dirty Harry
The Enforcer
Sudden Impact
Gran Torino
Kelly's Heroes
Escape from Alcatraz
Absolute Power
In the Line of Fire
Jurassic Park
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
The Breakfast Club
War of the Worlds (1953)
War of the Worlds (2005)
Sabrina (1995)
Rise of Planet of the Apes
The Guns of Navarone
Lethal Weapon 2
The Abyss
Patriot Games
Against All Odds
Young Frankenstein
3 Days of the Condor
Executive Decision
The Big Chill
The Deep
The Jagged Edge
Lawrence of Arabia
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Star Trek: V The Final Frontier
Star Trek: VI The Undiscovered Country
Star Trek: First Contact
Trading Places
Terminator 3: The Rise of the Machines
Fantastic Voyage
2001: A Space Odyssey
Used Cars
Scent of a Woman
Wild Horses Can't be Broken
Man in the Moon
The Horse Whisperer
Legends of the Fall
Jeremiah Johnson
Enemy of the State
Pelican Brief
Runaway Jury
National Treasure
Little Big Man
Day After Tomorrow
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Parent Trap (1961)
Mary Poppins
It's a Wonderful Life
Thelma and Louise
The 6th Sense
High Noon
The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
Double Indemnity
The Omega Man
Dreamer: Inspired by a true story
So I Married an Axe Murderer
The Verdict
Wall Street
Absence of Malice
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
Phantom of the Opera (2004)
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
Apollo 13
The Green Mile
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
What's Up Doc?
Foul Play
Superman Returns
Superman II
Smokey and the Bandit
Risky Business
Iron Man
X-Men: Origins
Mission Impossible
Golden Eye
Casino Royale (2006)
Quantum of Solace
The Spy Who Loved Me
Die Another Day
Das Boot
Forbidden Planet
The Absent Minded Professor (1961)
LA Confidential
One Flew ofer a Cuckoo's Nest
The Poseidon Adventure
Pretty Woman
Tin Cup

Stay tuned for the next review......


  1. I know as far as movies go, I have a very simple mind. The Other Side Of Heaven should be on your list if only for the fact it brought back to reality the "hell" the first eight months of learning Tongan and the Tongan ways. Butch and Sundance are in my top ten, hurt to see them land under 100. Thanks for the list! I have some more movies to watch now!

    1. Based on your recommendations, edits made. Remember, "Oua te mou lea faka-palangi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Paula wants to know why 310 to Yuma missed the list?

  3. Good pick up, the excellent Russell Crowe western now added to the Second 100!!
