Today is one of those days that you will remember for a long time.Why? Well, it is the day before the Fall Equinox, although one would never know by the current temperature here in the Southland. No, that's not it. Is it because BYU football coach, Bronco Mendenhall, still has a job?
"Why did I do it?, said Gopher Two... |
In case you missed it Coach "Gopher Two" (that's my new name for Bronco) bet his nest egg on a 2-point conversion in last night's 7-6 (really?) loss to Boise State. With no time outs remaining and less than 4 minutes left in the contest, BYU finally scored, needing only to kick an extra point and most likely send the abysmal game into overtime. Considering how pathetically awful the offenses were for both teams, I still liked BYU's chances in OT. It was not to be. Pass incomplete, Boise State runs out the clock as the helpless BYU faithful kicked their collective dogs and cried Big Blue tears into the night. So, Coach "Gopher Two" blunders into his 2nd straight defeat. Wasted time outs, silly penalties and turnovers have become the modes operand i for this year's Cougars. I love what Bronco, err "Gopher Two' has done for the program and he is a very impressive guy. But, crap, he just can't seem to win the games we need to be winning!
"Gopher Two" telling Riley that he 's benched... |
But I digress... I wasn't about to let last night's debacle ruin my Friday. Yes, today has been a great day. Was it because the iPhone 5 was released today? I passed by an AT & T store at 8:15 this morning on my way to work, and there was a line of about 50-60 Apple geeks patiently waiting to pick up their pre-ordered phones that they don't really need. Yes, this is the world we live in. Have you picked up your phone yet? Good, well then you are having a great day, too!
iPhone 4S or the iPhone 5, is it worth another $399? |
But, no, that's not what I will remember about today. Was it the mail I received from the BYU Parking office? I think I mentioned in an earlier post, that I received yet another BYU parking ticket a few months ago while shopping at the bookstore. This was in addition to like the 200 tickets and one Rhino Boot I obtained during my matriculation on campus back in the late 70's. Let me quote a portion of the letter I received today: "This letter is to inform you that your appeal of the above citation has been carefully reviewed. The citation was issued per University Regulations. However, based upon the circumstances described in your appeal, the fine has been dismissed." YES! I FINALLY BEAT THEM! FROM RHINO BOOT TO DISMISSAL! What a day! This news almost makes up for last night's loss...But, not quite.
I beat it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
So, is that the capper for today?.. No, not quite. Today, just before noon, the retired Space Shuttle Endeavour, piggy backed atop a 747, made her final flight. She circled NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab as we viewed her from the La Canada Country Club parking lot. So cool! Thousands of Angelenos gathered at the Griffith Park Observatory, Hollywood, downtown LA, LAX, JPL and even Disneyland as Endeavour made her flyover. There is just something captivating about big beautiful machines that fly. I could watch this thing all day long. The Endeavour is now safely hangered at LAX as she is being prepared for her last leg via truck to the science museum at Exposition Park in LA. Can't wait to see her up close! Mankind has come a long way from the billowy white sails of Captain James Cook's HMS Endeavour that he plied throughout the blue Pacific, before his untimely death at the hands of the Hawaiians at Kealakekua Bay.
Cook's H.MS. Endeavour |
It is mind boggling to think that man first landed on the moon 43 years ago. It's a shame that if an American astronaut wanted to go into space he or she would have to hitch a ride with the Russians. That's just wrong. I love what we are doing on Mars, but let's put a man up there, and return him safely to earth.
September 21, 2012: The Endeavour's final flight. A day to remember....
Enjoy some of the images I shot today....
Into the Burning Blue |
Floating on the clouds |
The Endeavour and her F-18 escorts |
Coming over JPL |
Sky Scrapers salute the Endeavour |
High Flight |
Awesome! |
So close, you can almost touch her, the Endeavour soars! |
Mike, another great post. Hey will you explain the baseball playoffs for me. I Don't know what is going on. I think they have changed and I know you are my resource of enlightenment.