Ari and Derek Velez Mt Timpanogos Temple 4/25/14 |
Marrying off your first daughter is like becoming a parent all over again. Kar and I were married for 10 years before we had children. During this time, we became expert 'armchair parents.' We used to sit back and watch all the mistakes that family and friends made trying to raise their kids. We marveled at their repeated stupidity. How could they do that? What were they thinking? Occasionally, we would be very impressed with their parenting skills and took note of those things. After 10 years, we knew it all! We slept like babies at night knowing that when we had kids, it would be a breeze. After all, we had become experts, or had we? We have gone through a similar experience and mindset when it came to throwing a wedding. We were ready. It would be no big deal, or would it? Well, it is no shock to find out that when we adopted our two girls within 2 weeks of each other 27 years ago, we suddenly had no clue what we were doing as parents. When the pressure was on, we choked. We quickly had become outmatched and outgunned. We made our share of mistakes, but eventually figured it out, I think. Much like parenting, staging a wedding for our daughter Arianne turned out to not be such a simple thing as I thought. My eyes were opened. Nevertheless, after a whirlwind of effort, planning and execution we finally pulled it off. Or had we? We did it all during a somewhat short engagement period. We were incredibly efficient! But, at 10:30 PM on Thursday night April 24th (the night before the wedding), Ari called me. We had just had a wonderful rehearsal dinner at Heaps Brick Oven and were winding down in prep for the big day ahead. I answered and she said, "Daddy, where's my wedding dress? In shock, I handed the phone to the mother of the Bride, who covered her face with her hands and exclaimed, "Oh my gosh! I forgot to pick it up from the dry cleaners today." A mini-meltdown ensued. But, after Googling the cleaners, we found out they would be open the next day at 7:00 AM. Whew! Disaster averted.
The wedding day was a dream. Our little girl had grown up and found the man of her dreams and married him for all time in the Mt Timpanogos Temple! What a beautiful thing to be together with family and friends on such a blessed occasion. So many memories of Ari and Ally played in vivid color in my mind. What a wonderful journey it has been, culminating in the awesome day for Ari and Derek. Their life together is just beginning. What amazing adventures lie ahead for them. We can't wait to see how it all turns out and look forward to being a big part of it.
Please enjoy a few photos taking you down Memory Lane:
Sleeping girl with curls |
Ari and Alex |
Ari and Ally Indian and Cowgirl |
Ari and Dad |
Ari and Mom on Dumbo |
Ari and Grandad Forsling |
Honing her driving skills |
Bike riding with Timpy |
The Maid |
The Look |
Bears in Yellowstone |
On the beach in Kaua'i |
We finally have a son!! |
Walking The Bride down the Aisle at the post sealing Ring Ceremony At the Springville Museum of Art |
Beautiful Mom and Beautiful Bride |
Kar with Forsling Sibs |
Mom and daughters |
Proud parents of the bride |
Day's and Forsling's Friends Forever |
Grandma and Grandpa Linnemeyer |
Harry and Mike, Blood Brothers |
High School buddies and wives |
Temple Tulips |
Parting Shot:
Fiesta Days Carnival Spanish Fork, UT July 24, 1989 |
Fiesta Days Carnival July 24, 2013 | |
Wow, so many sweet memories!